Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blog Assignment #10

What Can We Learn From Mrs. Cassidy

light bulbs

First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class

In this video, students explained how they loved using technology in the classroom, especially through blogging. It was interesting to hear the students excitement from receiving comments from family and friends on their blogs. This feedback gives them the motivation to keep writing and bettering themselves. Other interesting tools that students mentioned using are Skype and the Nitendo DS. While on Skype, students are able to chat with other reading buddies in different classes, as well as different schools. One of the most rewarding things was hearing the students describe the students from Alabama (EDM310) who commented on their blogs. This let me know that our comments do not go in vain after all!

Three Part Interview Series with Kathy Cassidy

In the 3 part interview series with Mrs. Kathy Cassidy, we learn how Mrs. Cassidy got started in the field of technology, how it has helped her in her classroom, and listen to her advice on blogging and using technology. The main thing that I got from all three videos is that although you may not be the most technology savvy person, you can still use technology to your advantage an it can work wonders in the classroom. Mrs. Cassidy admits that she is not the most advanced in technology, in fact she had just gotten a Facebook page a short time before her interview with Dr. Strange. This reassured me that although I am not very technologically advanced, I can still use technology to benefit my students.

A great point that Mrs. Cassidy makes is that the world is changing and constantly evolving, and so is technology; therefore, we would be handicapping ourselves and our students by not allowing them to explore technology.

RESOURCES: Interview With Kathy Cassidy Pt. 1

Interview With Kathy Cassidy Pt. 2

Interview With Kathy Cassidy Pt.3

Project #12 Smartboard Presentation

C4K Summary #2

For the month of October, I had the pleasure of viewing 4 great blogs by 4 excellent students! Below, I have included a link to the blogs that I was assigned for this month for EDM310's Comments4Kids assignment. I will also include my comment that I wrote on each of the student's posts, in the event that the comment has not been moderated. To view their blog posts, simply click the name of the student. I hope you all enjoy reading these great posts!

Heaven: Hi Heaven! I love long hair on myself as well! I cut my hair in December of 2012, and I have let it grow out since then and have been taking great care of it. It has gotten so long, but I cannot wait until it gets really long so I can do all types of styles with it! Good post, just make sure to capitalize and punctuate correctly with each post. Can't wait to see your next post!

Sofia: Hello Sofia, it sounds like you have an exciting year in store for you! I think it is wonderful that you have a good teacher, and I hope this year is your best! Hopefully, you will leave elementary feeling very prepared for middle school. Good luck!

Sami:Yes! You are completely right Sami! Giving away your password is definitely not a good idea. This can give strangers access to your account, and the things in it. Great post!

Zack: Hi Zack! My name is Candace Harris, and I am from the United States of America! I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama, and this week, my professor assigned me to view your awesome blog! I loved your story and I think it was very exciting to see what adventure Adam and Sky were going to get into! You did a great job, and I can't wait to read Chapter 3. Good luck with the rest of your school year!